Friday, April 9, 2010

System Model

Murder of a shopkeeper

There is a crime committed in midvalley shopping mall. A shopkeeper has been killed when he was coming home after closing the shop. As this circumstances the |FBI has been reported over there.
The criminal report indentification system will be used to identify the crime. There is a password to access the software. |Because it holds all the crime reports which are private and confiedential.
Then the police officer takes the evidence such as |DNA, fingerprints, bullets etc.
The police officer will Match the evidence with the previous reports and get the possible suspects name.
After that he will categorize the report on different parts like assassinate, suicide,accident,kidnap, rape etc. What ever data he gets after taking the report , it will update in the software.
The policemen can see the progress of the crime at any time from any branch of police station or crime investigating department.